The Use of Virtual Laboratory and Vedas as Photosynthesis and Respiration Learning Resources on Primary Teacher Education Students: Actualization Form of Society 5.0 Concepts
Virtual Laboratory and Vedas, Photosynthesis and Respiration, Learning Resources, Society 5.0Abstract
This study aimed to describe the actualization form of society 5.0 concept through virtual laboratory and Vedas learning resources on photosynthesis and respiration, with the following detailed; 1) learning in society 5.0 era, 2) student conception profiles and 3) results of Vedic studies. This research was descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects were 45 students who took Primary Natural Science 2 class at fourth semester of Primary Teacher Education Department. Data in this research were collected by reasoned multiple choices test combined with the certainty of response index method and literature review. Data were analysed descriptively using Miles & Huberman Model. The result of this research showed that; 1) learning in the society 5.0 era intended to make students have the 21st century skills competency, 2) the conception profile formed through the application of learning resources were diverse, the highest average was the conception pattern IV (60.85%), there was a decrease in misconceptions (43.75%), 3) some of sloka in Vedas had same meaning to the scientific concepts on photosynthesis and respiration. The use of virtual laboratory and Vedas had the positive impact on learning results and interactions that suitable to be one of learning resources in society 5.0 era.