Explanation of Measurement Teaching Materials in Flipbook Packaging for Grade V Elementary School Students


  • Karlimah Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Lisda Nurhamidah Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Mega Fourria Minggustri Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Teaching Materials, Measurements, Flipbooks


There are many teaching materials about Measurement that can be learned by grade V elementary school students in the form of Flipbooks. This is seen to provide suitable learning facilities and is an alternative solution to be easily found on the website. However, the quality of these teaching materials still needs to be reviewed further. Are all the teaching materials representative and suitable for use? It is necessary to conduct an analysis first so that the next can develop and evaluate. Analysis uses the Miles & Huberman model cyclically through data reduction, data presentation, and verification to find conclusions. The results of the analysis of teaching materials Measurements in the form of Flipbooks for grade V elementary school students, on average are categorized as high in aspects of content accuracy, coverage determination, language use, face and packaging, illustrations, interest interest, consistency. However, medium and low category components were found in some components in the aspects of digestibility, completeness of components and conformity with writing guidelines. While Flipbook is categorized high in content and language aspects, there are still some components that are medium and low in terms of format and characteristics.


